For the month of April, we’ll be focusing our Monthly Mission on Global Outreach.

Family Community Church has supported various ministries around the world over the years, and the two we are currently focused on are Tabitha Reach and Mexico Missions.

Tabitha Reach is a non-profit ministry serving underprivileged single mothers in developing countries by equipping and empowering them through educational, social and economic support. They are currently doing amazing work in Ethiopia and are in process of expanding to other countries. We encourage you to visit their booth in the lobby on Sunday and their website to see how you can partner with this amazing ministry:

And our Mexico Missions team is preparing to head to Mexico and build a home for a family in need. Our teams have been going annually for years now and there is a way for you to partner with them by visiting their Amazon Gift List for items needed for the home they are building:

Amazon Gift List Link HERE

Let us continue to pray for these Global Outreach ministries and support the great work they are doing throughout the world. May God continue to bless them as they reach the nations for the Lord’s glory.

Any questions? Email us HERE!