Current Sermon Series

The more we understand God’s Word, the more we can love it and apply it to our lives.

The Bible was written over a period of 1600 years, in over a dozen countries, on three continents, by 40 people in three different languages! Through all of this, the Bible remained ONE story because it had ONE Author – God!

What is the Bible all about? From beginning to end, the whole Bible is about Jesus. The more we read it, the more it develops and cleanses us. It becomes our playbook on life and teaches us that God didn’t just love us. He gave love. Jesus gave His life for us, and the only way for us to truly have life is to give our lives to Him.

God wants to have a relationship with us, and He uses His Word to speak. The Bible points us to Jesus so we can become like Jesus and do what Jesus did. Join us for this new series as we dive into God’s Word and learn what the Bible is all about!

We’d love to have you worship with us, Sundays at 10am!


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