FCC Update And Plans To Reopen On-Campus Meetings
Melody and I and our entire FCC staff are looking forward to the day we begin meeting again with our church family on campus! Hopefully, that will be soon. While we prepare to reopen in Phase 3 of the Shelter in Place Order, our staff has been collaborating virtually to strategize our facility set-up, protocols, and sanitation procedures.
In the meantime, I’d like to update you on the some of the things we’ve been doing during the shelter in place season to get ready for on campus meetings.
We have been working feverishly to do a deep clean of our entire campus. Facilities team members have been going room by room, from ceilings to floors, and cleaning every nook and cranny. Carpets have been shampooed and repairs have been undertaken as needed.
Our staff has developed protocols for each department and each area of our campus. These will address things like non-touch check-in procedures in Children’s ministries, sanitization of rooms and equipment before and after each service in all ministries, closing water fountains, and setting up rooms for social distancing measures.
5,000 masks have been ordered so that anyone attending services that wants/needs a mask can have one. 8 commercial hand sanitizer dispensers will be placed strategically in our campus and smaller hand sanitizer dispensers will be located in most classrooms and ministry areas. Our HVAC system is being adjusted so that maximum outside air will be added into our ventilation system to keep the air we breathe extra clean and fresh.
The list of preparation goes on and on. We have a plan and protocols ready to reopen our campus in a safe and flexible way that maximizes ministry while protecting our congregation and community as we begin to enjoy much overdue times of worship and prayer together.
In the meantime, we will continue to offer multiple livestream options to keep you connected to God and each other and keep you growing in your spiritual walk with Christ. CLICK HERE
I commend our staff for their creativity and commitment to provide ministry with excellence for our FCC family during these times. It takes more effort and dreaming outside the box to do all that our team is doing, and I am most grateful for them, as I am sure you are too.
• One example is the She Is Sister Tea Pastor Lily and her team pulled off a few days ago.
• Another example is the livestream Sunday kids programming provided by Pastor Colton and Pastor Rebecca (parents must pre-register their kids to participate by Zoom).
Stay connected to the many FCC online options each week that will recharge your spiritual batteries and encourage you. CLICK HERE I look forward to seeing you online this Sunday! For your convenience, here’s the link to view our Sunday morning services. CLICK HERE
Pastor Bill