Greetings, FCC Church family!

I am excited to preach to you this Sunday for the first time ever…. while being under the rules of “shelter in place” that we’re navigating in The Bay Area! I’m excited because I get to point us all to God’s perspective and power for us… as we face these challenging days head on.

Join us for our livestream worship services THIS Sunday at 9 AM or 10:45 AM and download your sermon notesheet online before the service starts. Click here

Our staff has had multiple conference calls recently and used new tools to strategize ways to keep you connected to Christ and other brothers and sisters in our FCC family. You can find these by a new page on our website called STAY CONNECTED. Click here.

The mission of our church is relevant before, during, and after COVID-19.
How we do the mission God has entrusted to us is different – but not less life-impacting. What we are doing as a church matters more than ever before! Operations, programs, outreach – we are doing all of these things using different tools, but they are still vital and still ongoing.
Your involvement is still vital too!

1. Pray – specifically and often.
2. Promote – volunteer (as possible), encourage, invite, lend your credibility by inviting others to join our online services and venues.
3. Provide – as you are able, support financially FCC’s mission and the people we serve.

Finally, Family Community Church was proud to be one of the three churches from Silicon Valley asked to stand with Mayor Sam Liccardo on Wednesday March 18, 2020 at his press conference, as he announced a new effort, led by San Jose and Silicon Valley community and business leaders, to offer monetary relief, mobilize volunteers, and connect residents to resources. The City is also developing a Countywide food distribution plan in partnership with Santa Clara County, non-profits and private sector. All those wishing to donate, volunteer or in need of resources are encouraged to visit

Let’s love God and love people in our Silicon Valley community in Jesus’ name!

Pastor Bill