At FCC, we offer the option for parents to have their children dedicated in one of our services, a few times a year.
If you’re interested in dedicating your baby at FCC, please email

A baby dedication is not a baptism. We do not baptize infants. It also does not ensure that the baby will make it to heaven. The Bible says that a baby is a blessing from God. When you decide to dedicate your son or daughter, you are acknowledging the awesome responsibility God has given you in raising your child. A baby dedication is a ceremony that expresses your desire as parents to raise your son or daughter in the ways of the Bible, and to ask God to use your child for His purpose.

Mary and Joseph took baby Jesus to the temple to be dedicated to God. As followers of Christ, we want to also make this public declaration to your family and your church. It is invaluable to be able to tell children as they are growing up that they belong to Jesus and that you have asked God to use them in a formal declaration.

Generally, we encourage parents who have not dedicated their child to God to do so if the child is still 5 years old or younger.

Parents, this prayer guide was assembled with prayers from FCC staff and members especially with you and your children in mind. God wants us near to Him in the calm and in the storm. Prayer is one of the best ways to stay close to Him.

This guide contains 30 days of prayers you can pray over your children. If you don’t have children, use these prayers to pray over the children of your friends or extended family. There is power in prayer. We hope you join us by downloading this .pdf and covering our children in prayer over the next 30 days!
Click on the picture below to get started.

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