The Good News

With so much bad news in our world today, it should be refreshing to know that there is some Good News for each and every one of us. No matter where you may find yourself in life, regardless of your pain or struggles, regardless of your situation or the mistakes you’ve made, there is Good News. Because we were created by a Creator that created all things, and since God is holy, God requires us to be holy as He is holy. If we want to spend eternity with Him, we need to be like Him, for He cannot allow sin in his presence.

The Word of God tells us something we all know but oftentimes have a hard time admitting: “All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.” – Romans 3:23.

The payment of sin that we deserve is death and separation from God. God takes sin so seriously that even something that we might consider a “little sin” can have the effect of eternally separating us from God.

Yet, God is gentle and compassionate, slow to anger, abounding in love and kindness. How do we know? Because even though we are the sinners and the wages of sin is death, He sent Jesus Christ to die for our sin on the cross. God provided a substitution for us. Jesus was God who came in the flesh to die for us. Jesus lived a holy, sinless life and shed his blood and gave up his life for us. Jesus loved us so much that he died for us. Even when we didn’t deserve it. But the story does not end there. Jesus overcame death, hell, and sin, and He rose from the dead three days later.

We sinned, but Christ died in our place, for our sin, so that we wouldn’t have to. A harsh God would say “Tough luck. I made the rules. You got yourself in this whole sin mess. You get yourself out.” But instead, God said, “I made the rules. One sin equals death. You sinned. But I love you so much, I’m going to send Jesus Christ to die in your place so that you don’t have to.”

And that is what Jesus did. He paid the penalty for our sin. Of course, we must accept His payment for us. We must receive it. We do that by believing in Jesus for eternal life. Only then will we be back into a right relationship with God. Only then will we be righteous as He is righteous. Only then can we spend eternity with Him.

That is some very Good News. If you would like to accept this Good News for your life, put your trust in Jesus today. You can talk to God and ask him to forgive you of your sins. Tell Him you accept the free gift of salvation for your life and that you believe Eternal life is the free gift of God to those who believe in Jesus, and you now desire to walk with Him.

If you made this decision today or would like to connect with us, we would love to hear from you and assist you with your next steps
on your faith journey by giving you our 21-Day devotional. Just click this link ( or call our church office at 408-365-0313.