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Event Series Event Series: Foundations

Meets Tuesdays
Jan 7 – Apr 8

Designed to strengthen new believers and longtime followers, this popular workbook is motivating people from all walks of life to build an unshakable spiritual foundation.

In this study, participants will learn and understand foundational truths of topics such as sin, salvation, spiritual gifts, prayer, worship, generosity, evangelism and more. It will show you how the Bible is “God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness” (2 Timothy 3:16). It will help you understand that the faith you hold has true power to change lives and transform nations. It will give you a solid foundation the enemy cannot dismantle and a heart shaped by knowledge of God’s Word.

All are welcome to join us on this journey as we build a strong Biblical Foundation!

Cost =

  • Includes Workbook

Questions? Please email HERE for more information.

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